
Order Process


Order Process

You have to complete 04 step for a successful order, first of all you should select your plan, we start our working after get your approval.


Step 1

Set Services Plan

A service plan is a contract to purchasers of services for an additional fee. While service plans resemble extended warranties, there are several important differences between the two, often cited by retailers that sell them.

First of you should select your best service plan, go to our pricing page & select what is plan best for your service and select your needs for your service. then submit your plan which you are chose


Step 2

Give Us Approval

We need approval from you , if we get approval from you then we can start our basic work.

Your approval is very important for your service.we should to know what is kind of service you need, so if you gives us approval about your service ,we can do this work without any issues.


Step 3

We Are Working

We start our work after to get approval from you. Our team member create their work plan like your requirement , they try to do their best.

We have 30+ Expert who provided clipping path related service service related by professionally. they very carefully maintain their quality of their service for give you best service.


Step 4

Make Payment

Payments to Clipping Path may be made via credit card, wire transfer or by company cheque. Regardless of your payment method, please include the assigned account

Please be aware that it is your responsibility to check whether taxes or bank fees apply. For SWIFT processing, please include the invoice number and your clipping path account name in the remittance advice.

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